What is a ParamEnv?

The type system relies on information in the environment in order for it to function correctly. This information is stored in the ParamEnv type and it is important to use the correct ParamEnv when interacting with the type system.

The information represented by ParamEnv is a list of in-scope where-clauses, and a Reveal (see linked docs for more information). A ParamEnv typically corresponds to a specific item's where clauses, some clauses are not explicitly written bounds and instead are implicitly added in predicates_of such as ConstArgHasType or some implied bounds.

A ParamEnv can also be created with arbitrary data that is not derived from a specific item such as in compare_method_predicate_entailment which creates a hybrid ParamEnv consisting of the impl's where clauses and the trait definition's function's where clauses. In most cases ParamEnvs are initially created via the param_env query which returns a ParamEnv derived from the provided item's where clauses.

If we have a function such as:

fn main() {
// `foo` would have a `ParamEnv` of:
// `[T: Sized, T: Trait, <T as Trait>::Assoc: Clone]`
fn foo<T: Trait>()
    <T as Trait>::Assoc: Clone,

If we were conceptually inside of foo (for example, type-checking or linting it) we would use this ParamEnv everywhere that we interact with the type system. This would allow things such as normalization (TODO: write a chapter about normalization and link it), evaluating generic constants, and proving where clauses/goals, to rely on T being sized, implementing Trait, etc.

A more concrete example:

fn main() {
// `foo` would have a `ParamEnv` of:
// `[T: Sized, T: Clone]`
fn foo<T: Clone>(a: T) {
    // when typechecking `foo` we require all the where clauses on `bar`
    // to hold in order for it to be legal to call. This means we have to
    // prove `T: Clone`. As we are type checking `foo` we use `foo`'s
    // environment when trying to check that `T: Clone` holds.
    // Trying to prove `T: Clone` with a `ParamEnv` of `[T: Sized, T: Clone]`
    // will trivially succeed as bound we want to prove is in our environment.

Or alternatively an example that would not compile:

fn main() {
// `foo2` would have a `ParamEnv` of:
// `[T: Sized]`
fn foo2<T>(a: T) {
    // When typechecking `foo2` we attempt to prove `T: Clone`.
    // As we are type checking `foo2` we use `foo2`'s environment
    // when trying to prove `T: Clone`.
    // Trying to prove `T: Clone` with a `ParamEnv` of `[T: Sized]` will
    // fail as there is nothing in the environment telling the trait solver
    // that `T` implements `Clone` and there exists no user written impl
    // that could apply.

It's very important to use the correct ParamEnv when interacting with the type system as otherwise it can lead to ICEs or things compiling when they shouldn't (or vice versa). See #82159 and #82067 as examples of PRs that changed rustc to use the correct param env to avoid ICE. Determining how to acquire the correct ParamEnv is explained later in this chapter.