Using tracing to debug the compiler

The compiler has a lot of debug! (or trace!) calls, which print out logging information at many points. These are very useful to at least narrow down the location of a bug if not to find it entirely, or just to orient yourself as to why the compiler is doing a particular thing.

To see the logs, you need to set the RUSTC_LOG environment variable to your log filter. The full syntax of the log filters can be found in the rustdoc of tracing-subscriber.

Function level filters

Lots of functions in rustc are annotated with

#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
fn foo(&self, bar: Type) {}

which allows you to use


to do the following all at once

  • log all function calls to foo
  • log the arguments (except for those in the skip list)
  • log everything (from anywhere else in the compiler) until the function returns

I don't want everything

Depending on the scope of the function, you may not want to log everything in its body. As an example: the do_mir_borrowck function will dump hundreds of lines even for trivial code being borrowchecked.

Since you can combine all filters, you can add a crate/module path, e.g.


I don't want all calls

If you are compiling libcore, you likely don't want all borrowck dumps, but only one for a specific function. You can filter function calls by their arguments by regexing them.


will only give you the logs of borrowchecking from_utf8_unchecked. Note that you will still get a short message per ignored do_mir_borrowck, but none of the things inside those calls. This helps you in looking through the calls that are happening and helps you adjust your regex if you mistyped it.

Query level filters

Every query is automatically tagged with a logging span so that you can display all log messages during the execution of the query. For example, if you want to log everything during type checking:


The query arguments are included as a tracing field which means that you can filter on the debug display of the arguments. For example, the typeck query has an argument key: LocalDefId of what is being checked. You can use a regex to match on that LocalDefId to log type checking for a specific function:


Different queries have different arguments. You can find a list of queries and their arguments in rustc_middle/src/query/

Broad module level filters

You can also use filters similar to the log crate's filters, which will enable everything within a specific module. This is often too verbose and too unstructured, so it is recommended to use function level filters.

Your log filter can be just debug to get all debug! output and higher (e.g., it will also include info!), or path::to::module to get all output (which will include trace!) from a particular module, or path::to::module=debug to get debug! output and higher from a particular module.

For example, to get the debug! output and higher for a specific module, you can run the compiler with RUSTC_LOG=path::to::module=debug rustc All debug! output will then appear in standard error.

Note that you can use a partial path and the filter will still work. For example, if you want to see info! output from only rustdoc::passes::collect_intra_doc_links, you could use RUSTDOC_LOG=rustdoc::passes::collect_intra_doc_links=info or you could use RUSTDOC_LOG=rustdoc::passes::collect_intra=info.

If you are developing rustdoc, use RUSTDOC_LOG instead. If you are developing Miri, use MIRI_LOG instead. You get the idea :)

See the tracing crate's docs, and specifically the docs for debug! to see the full syntax you can use. (Note: unlike the compiler, the tracing crate and its examples use the RUST_LOG environment variable. rustc, rustdoc, and other tools set custom environment variables.)

Note that unless you use a very strict filter, the logger will emit a lot of output, so use the most specific module(s) you can (comma-separated if multiple). It's typically a good idea to pipe standard error to a file and look at the log output with a text editor.

So, to put it together:

# This puts the output of all debug calls in `rustc_middle/src/traits` into
# standard error, which might fill your console backscroll.
$ RUSTC_LOG=rustc_middle::traits=debug rustc +stage1

# This puts the output of all debug calls in `rustc_middle/src/traits` in
# `traits-log`, so you can then see it with a text editor.
$ RUSTC_LOG=rustc_middle::traits=debug rustc +stage1 2>traits-log

# Not recommended! This will show the output of all `debug!` calls
# in the Rust compiler, and there are a *lot* of them, so it will be
# hard to find anything.
$ RUSTC_LOG=debug rustc +stage1 2>all-log

# This will show the output of all `info!` calls in `rustc_codegen_ssa`.
# There's an `info!` statement in `codegen_instance` that outputs
# every function that is codegen'd. This is useful to find out
# which function triggers an LLVM assertion, and this is an `info!`
# log rather than a `debug!` log so it will work on the official
# compilers.
$ RUSTC_LOG=rustc_codegen_ssa=info rustc +stage1

# This will show all logs in `rustc_codegen_ssa` and `rustc_resolve`.
$ RUSTC_LOG=rustc_codegen_ssa,rustc_resolve rustc +stage1

# This will show the output of all `info!` calls made by rustdoc
# or any rustc library it calls.
$ RUSTDOC_LOG=info rustdoc +stage1

# This will only show `debug!` calls made by rustdoc directly,
# not any `rustc*` crate.
$ RUSTDOC_LOG=rustdoc=debug rustdoc +stage1

Log colors

By default, rustc (and other tools, like rustdoc and Miri) will be smart about when to use ANSI colors in the log output. If they are outputting to a terminal, they will use colors, and if they are outputting to a file or being piped somewhere else, they will not. However, it's hard to read log output in your terminal unless you have a very strict filter, so you may want to pipe the output to a pager like less. But then there won't be any colors, which makes it hard to pick out what you're looking for!

You can override whether to have colors in log output with the RUSTC_LOG_COLOR environment variable (or RUSTDOC_LOG_COLOR for rustdoc, or MIRI_LOG_COLOR for Miri, etc.). There are three options: auto (the default), always, and never. So, if you want to enable colors when piping to less, use something similar to this command:

# The `-R` switch tells less to print ANSI colors without escaping them.
$ RUSTC_LOG=debug RUSTC_LOG_COLOR=always rustc +stage1 ... | less -R

Note that MIRI_LOG_COLOR will only color logs that come from Miri, not logs from rustc functions that Miri calls. Use RUSTC_LOG_COLOR to color logs from rustc.

How to keep or remove debug! and trace! calls from the resulting binary

While calls to error!, warn! and info! are included in every build of the compiler, calls to debug! and trace! are only included in the program if debug-logging=true is turned on in bootstrap.toml (it is turned off by default), so if you don't see DEBUG logs, especially if you run the compiler with RUSTC_LOG=rustc rustc and only see INFO logs, make sure that debug-logging=true is turned on in your bootstrap.toml.

Logging etiquette and conventions

Because calls to debug! are removed by default, in most cases, don't worry about the performance of adding "unnecessary" calls to debug! and leaving them in code you commit - they won't slow down the performance of what we ship.

That said, there can also be excessive tracing calls, especially when they are redundant with other calls nearby or in functions called from here. There is no perfect balance to hit here, and is left to the reviewer's discretion to decide whether to let you leave debug! statements in or whether to ask you to remove them before merging.

It may be preferable to use trace! over debug! for very noisy logs.

A loosely followed convention is to use #[instrument(level = "debug")] (also see the attribute's documentation) in favour of debug!("foo(...)") at the start of a function foo. Within functions, prefer debug!(?variable.field) over debug!("xyz = {:?}", variable.field) and debug!(bar = ?var.method(arg)) over debug!("bar = {:?}", var.method(arg)). The documentation for this syntax can be found here.

One thing to be careful of is expensive operations in logs.

If in the module rustc::foo you have a statement

debug!(x = ?random_operation(tcx));

Then if someone runs a debug rustc with RUSTC_LOG=rustc::foo, then random_operation() will run. RUSTC_LOG filters that do not enable this debug statement will not execute random_operation.

This means that you should not put anything too expensive or likely to crash there - that would annoy anyone who wants to use logging for that module. No-one will know it until someone tries to use logging to find another bug.