MIR queries and passes

If you would like to get the MIR:

  • for a function - you can use the optimized_mir query (typically used by codegen) or the mir_for_ctfe query (typically used by compile time function evaluation, i.e., CTFE);
  • for a promoted - you can use the promoted_mir query.

These will give you back the final, optimized MIR. For foreign def-ids, we simply read the MIR from the other crate's metadata. But for local def-ids, the query will construct the optimized MIR by requesting a pipeline of upstream queries1. Each query will contain a series of passes. This section describes how those queries and passes work and how you can extend them.

To produce the optimized MIR for a given def-id D, optimized_mir(D) goes through several suites of passes, each grouped by a query. Each suite consists of passes which perform linting, analysis, transformation or optimization. Each query represent a useful intermediate point where we can access the MIR dialect for type checking or other purposes:

  • mir_built(D) – it gives the initial MIR just after it's built;
  • mir_const(D) – it applies some simple transformation passes to make MIR ready for const qualification;
  • mir_promoted(D) - it extracts promotable temps into separate MIR bodies, and also makes MIR ready for borrow checking;
  • mir_drops_elaborated_and_const_checked(D) - it performs borrow checking, runs major transformation passes (such as drop elaboration) and makes MIR ready for optimization;
  • optimized_mir(D) – it performs all enabled optimizations and reaches the final state.

See the Queries chapter for the general concept of query.

Implementing and registering a pass

A MirPass is some bit of code that processes the MIR, typically transforming it along the way somehow. But it may also do other things like lingint (e.g., CheckPackedRef, CheckConstItemMutation, FunctionItemReferences, which implement MirLint) or optimization (e.g., SimplifyCfg, RemoveUnneededDrops). While most MIR passes are defined in the rustc_mir_transform crate, the MirPass trait itself is found in the rustc_middle crate, and it basically consists of one primary method, run_pass, that simply gets an &mut Body (along with the tcx). The MIR is therefore modified in place (which helps to keep things efficient).

A basic example of a MIR pass is RemoveStorageMarkers, which walks the MIR and removes all storage marks if they won't be emitted during codegen. As you can see from its source, a MIR pass is defined by first defining a dummy type, a struct with no fields:

fn main() {
pub struct RemoveStorageMarkers;

for which we implement the MirPass trait. We can then insert this pass into the appropriate list of passes found in a query like mir_built, optimized_mir, etc. (If this is an optimization, it should go into the optimized_mir list.)

Another example of a simple MIR pass is CleanupPostBorrowck, which walks the MIR and removes all statements that are not relevant to code generation. As you can see from its source, it is defined by first defining a dummy type, a struct with no fields:

fn main() {
pub struct CleanupPostBorrowck;

for which we implement the MirPass trait:

fn main() {
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for CleanupPostBorrowck {
    fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {

We register this pass inside the mir_drops_elaborated_and_const_checked query. (If this is an optimization, it should go into the optimized_mir list.)

If you are writing a pass, there's a good chance that you are going to want to use a MIR visitor. MIR visitors are a handy way to walk all the parts of the MIR, either to search for something or to make small edits.


The intermediate queries mir_const() and mir_promoted() yield up a &'tcx Steal<Body<'tcx>>, allocated using tcx.alloc_steal_mir(). This indicates that the result may be stolen by a subsequent query – this is an optimization to avoid cloning the MIR. Attempting to use a stolen result will cause a panic in the compiler. Therefore, it is important that you do not accidentally read from these intermediate queries without the consideration of the dependency in the MIR processing pipeline.

Because of this stealing mechanism, some care must be taken to ensure that, before the MIR at a particular phase in the processing pipeline is stolen, anyone who may want to read from it has already done so.

Concretely, this means that if you have a query foo(D) that wants to access the result of mir_promoted(D), you need to have foo(D) calling the mir_const(D) query first. This will force it to execute even though you don't directly require its result.

This mechanism is a bit dodgy. There is a discussion of more elegant alternatives in rust-lang/rust#41710.


Below is an overview of the stealing dependency in the MIR processing pipeline2:

flowchart BT
  mir_for_ctfe* --borrow--> id40
  id5 --steal--> id40

  mir_borrowck* --borrow--> id3
  id41 --steal part 1--> id3
  id40 --steal part 0--> id3

  mir_const_qualif* -- borrow --> id2
  id3 -- steal --> id2

  id2 -- steal --> id1


  style id1 fill:#bbf
  style id2 fill:#bbf
  style id3 fill:#bbf
  style id40 fill:#bbf
  style id41 fill:#bbf
  style id5 fill:#bbf

The stadium-shape queries (e.g., mir_built) with a deep color are the primary queries in the pipeline, while the rectangle-shape queries (e.g., mir_const_qualif*3) with a shallow color are those subsequent queries that need to read the results from &'tcx Steal<Body<'tcx>>. With the stealing mechanism, the rectangle-shape queries must be performed before any stadium-shape queries, that have an equal or larger height in the dependency tree, ever do.


The mir_promoted query will yield up a tuple (&'tcx Steal<Body<'tcx>>, &'tcx Steal<IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>>>), promoted_mir will steal part 1 (&'tcx Steal<IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>>>) and mir_drops_elaborated_and_const_checked will steal part 0 (&'tcx Steal<Body<'tcx>>). And their stealing is irrelevant to each other, i.e., can be performed separately.


Note that the * suffix in the queries represent a set of queries with the same prefix. For example, mir_borrowck* represents mir_borrowck, mir_borrowck_const_arg and mir_borrowck_opt_const_arg.


As an example, consider MIR const qualification. It wants to read the result produced by the mir_const query. However, that result will be stolen by the mir_promoted query at some time in the pipeline. Before mir_promoted is ever queried, calling the mir_const_qualif query will succeed since mir_const will produce (if queried the first time) or cache (if queried multiple times) the Steal result and the result is not stolen yet. After mir_promoted is queried, the result would be stolen and calling the mir_const_qualif query to read the result would cause a panic.

Therefore, with this stealing mechanism, mir_promoted should guarantee any mir_const_qualif* queries are called before it actually steals, thus ensuring that the reads have already happened (remember that queries are memoized, so executing a query twice simply loads from a cache the second time).