Generic parameter definitions

This chapter will discuss how rustc tracks what generic parameters are introduced. For example given some struct Foo<T> how does rustc track that Foo defines some type parameter T (and no other generic parameters).

This will not cover how we track generic parameters introduced via for<'a> syntax (e.g. in where clauses or fn types), which is covered elsewhere in the chapter on Binders .


The generic parameters introduced by an item are tracked by the ty::Generics struct. Sometimes items allow usage of generics defined on parent items, this is accomplished via the ty::Generics struct having an optional field to specify a parent item to inherit generic parameters of. For example given the following code:

trait Trait<T> {
    fn foo<U>(&self);

The ty::Generics used for foo would contain [U] and a parent of Some(Trait). Trait would have a ty::Generics containing [Self, T] with a parent of None.

The GenericParamDef struct is used to represent each individual generic parameter in a ty::Generics listing. The GenericParamDef struct contains information about the generic parameter, for example its name, defid, what kind of parameter it is (i.e. type, const, lifetime).

GenericParamDef also contains a u32 index representing what position the parameter is (starting from the outermost parent), this is the value used to represent usages of generic parameters (more on this in the chapter on representing types).

Interestingly, ty::Generics does not currently contain every generic parameter defined on an item. In the case of functions it only contains the early bound parameters.

Early vs Late bound parameters

fn main() {
fn foo<'a, T>(b: &'a T) -> &'a T { b }
//     ^^  ^early bound
//     ^^
//     ^^late bound

Generally when referring to an item with generic parameters you must specify a list of generic arguments corresponding to the item's generic parameters. In some cases it is permitted to elide these arguments but still, implicitly, a set of arguments are provided (e.g. Vec::default() desugars to Vec::<_>::default()).

For functions this is not necessarily the case, for example if we take the function foo from the example above and write the following code:

fn main() {
    let f = foo::<_>;

    let b = String::new();
    let c = String::new();

This code compiles perfectly fine even though there is no single lifetime that could possibly be specified in foo::<_> that would allow for both the &b and &c borrows to be used as arguments (note: the drop(b) line forces the &b borrow to be shorter than the &c borrow). This works because the 'a lifetime is late bound.

A generic parameter being late bound means that when we write foo::<_> we do not actually provide an argument for that parameter, instead we wait until calling the function to provide the generic argument. In the above example this means that we are doing something like f::<'_>(&b); and f::<'_>(&c); (although in practice we do not actually support turbofishing late bound parameters in this manner)

It may be helpful to think of "early bound parameter" or "late bound parameter" as meaning "early provided parameter" and "late provided parameter", i.e. we provide the argument to the parameter either early (when naming the function) or late (when calling it).

Late bound parameters on functions are tracked with a Binder when accessing the signature of the function, this can be done with the fn_sig query. For more information of binders see the chapter on Binders .