Debugging bootstrap

There are two main ways to debug bootstrap itself. The first is through println logging, and the second is through the tracing feature.

FIXME: this section should be expanded

println logging

Bootstrap has extensive unstructured logging. Most of it is gated behind the --verbose flag (pass -vv for even more detail).

If you want to know which Step ran a command, you could invoke bootstrap like so:

$ ./x dist rustc --dry-run -vv
learning about cargo
running: RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP="1" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/cargo" "metadata" "--format-version" "1" "--no-deps" "--manifest-path" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/Cargo.toml" (failure_mode=Exit) (created at src/bootstrap/src/core/, executed at src/bootstrap/src/core/
running: RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP="1" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/cargo" "metadata" "--format-version" "1" "--no-deps" "--manifest-path" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/library/Cargo.toml" (failure_mode=Exit) (created at src/bootstrap/src/core/, executed at src/bootstrap/src/core/
> Assemble { target_compiler: Compiler { stage: 1, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu } }
  > Libdir { compiler: Compiler { stage: 1, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }
    > Sysroot { compiler: Compiler { stage: 1, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }, force_recompile: false }
Removing sysroot /home/jyn/src/rust2/build/tmp-dry-run/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1 to avoid caching bugs
    < Sysroot { compiler: Compiler { stage: 1, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }, force_recompile: false }
  < Libdir { compiler: Compiler { stage: 1, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }

This will go through all the recursive dependency calculations, where Steps internally call builder.ensure(), without actually running cargo or the compiler.

In some cases, even this may not be enough logging (if so, please add more!). In that case, you can omit --dry-run, which will show the normal output inline with the debug logging:

      c Sysroot { compiler: Compiler { stage: 0, host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu }, force_recompile: false }
using sysroot /home/jyn/src/rust2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0-sysroot
Building stage0 library artifacts (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
running: cd "/home/jyn/src/rust2" && env ... RUSTC_VERBOSE="2" RUSTC_WRAPPER="/home/jyn/src/rust2/build/bootstrap/debug/rustc" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage0/bin/cargo" "build" "--target" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "-Zbinary-dep-depinfo" "-Zroot-dir=/home/jyn/src/rust2" "-v" "-v" "--manifest-path" "/home/jyn/src/rust2/library/sysroot/Cargo.toml" "--message-format" "json-render-diagnostics"
   0.293440230s  INFO prepare_target{force=false package_id=sysroot v0.0.0 (/home/jyn/src/rust2/library/sysroot) target="sysroot"}: cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint: fingerprint error for sysroot v0.0.0 (/home/jyn/src/rust2/library/sysroot)/Build/TargetInner { name_inferred: true, ..: lib_target("sysroot", ["lib"], "/home/jyn/src/rust2/library/sysroot/src/", Edition2021) }

In most cases this should not be necessary.

TODO: we should convert all this to structured logging so it's easier to control precisely.

tracing in bootstrap

Bootstrap has conditional tracing setup to provide structured logging.

Enabling tracing output

Bootstrap will conditionally build tracing support and enable tracing output if the BOOTSTRAP_TRACING env var is set.

Basic usage

Example basic usage1:


It is not recommend to use just BOOTSTRAP_TRACING=TRACE because that will dump everything at TRACE level, including logs intentionally gated behind custom targets as they are too verbose even for TRACE level by default.

$ BOOTSTRAP_TRACING=bootstrap=TRACE ./x build library --stage 1

Example output2:

$ BOOTSTRAP_TRACING=bootstrap=TRACE ./x check src/bootstrap/
Building bootstrap
   Compiling bootstrap v0.0.0 (/home/joe/repos/rust/src/bootstrap)
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized] target(s) in 2.74s
 DEBUG bootstrap parsing flags
 bootstrap::core::config::flags::Flags::parse args=["check", "src/bootstrap/"]
 DEBUG bootstrap parsing config based on flags
 DEBUG bootstrap creating new build based on config
  TRACE bootstrap setting up job management
  TRACE bootstrap downloading rustfmt early
   bootstrap::handling hardcoded subcommands (Format, Suggest, Perf)
    DEBUG bootstrap not a hardcoded subcommand; returning to normal handling, cmd=Check { all_targets: false }
  DEBUG bootstrap handling subcommand normally
   bootstrap::executing real run
     bootstrap::(1) executing dry-run sanity-check
     bootstrap::(2) executing actual run
Checking stage0 library artifacts (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
    Finished `release` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
Checking stage0 compiler artifacts {rustc-main, rustc_abi, rustc_arena, rustc_ast, rustc_ast_ir, rustc_ast_lowering, rustc_ast_passes, rustc_ast_pretty, rustc_attr_data_structures, rustc_attr_parsing, rustc_baked_icu_data, rustc_borrowck, rustc_builtin_macros, rustc_codegen_llvm, rustc_codegen_ssa, rustc_const_eval, rustc_data_structures, rustc_driver, rustc_driver_impl, rustc_error_codes, rustc_error_messages, rustc_errors, rustc_expand, rustc_feature, rustc_fluent_macro, rustc_fs_util, rustc_graphviz, rustc_hir, rustc_hir_analysis, rustc_hir_pretty, rustc_hir_typeck, rustc_incremental, rustc_index, rustc_index_macros, rustc_infer, rustc_interface, rustc_lexer, rustc_lint, rustc_lint_defs, rustc_llvm, rustc_log, rustc_macros, rustc_metadata, rustc_middle, rustc_mir_build, rustc_mir_dataflow, rustc_mir_transform, rustc_monomorphize, rustc_next_trait_solver, rustc_parse, rustc_parse_format, rustc_passes, rustc_pattern_analysis, rustc_privacy, rustc_query_impl, rustc_query_system, rustc_resolve, rustc_sanitizers, rustc_serialize, rustc_session, rustc_smir, rustc_span, rustc_symbol_mangling, rustc_target, rustc_trait_selection, rustc_traits, rustc_transmute, rustc_ty_utils, rustc_type_ir, rustc_type_ir_macros, stable_mir} (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
    Finished `release` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.23s
Checking stage0 bootstrap artifacts (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
    Checking bootstrap v0.0.0 (/home/joe/repos/rust/src/bootstrap)
    Finished `release` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.64s
  DEBUG bootstrap checking for postponed test failures from `test  --no-fail-fast`
Build completed successfully in 0:00:08

Controlling tracing output

The env var BOOTSTRAP_TRACING accepts a tracing env-filter.

There are two orthogonal ways to control which kind of tracing logs you want:

  1. You can specify the log level, e.g. DEBUG or TRACE.
  2. You can also control the log target, e.g. bootstrap or bootstrap::core::config vs custom targets like CONFIG_HANDLING.
    • Custom targets are used to limit what is output when BOOTSTRAP_TRACING=bootstrap=TRACE is used, as they can be too verbose even for TRACE level by default. Currently used custom targets:

The TRACE filter will enable all trace level or less verbose level tracing output.

You can of course combine them (custom target logs are typically gated behind TRACE log level additionally):


This output is always subject to further changes.

FIXME(#96176): specific tracing for compiler() vs compiler_for()

The additional targets COMPILER and COMPILER_FOR are used to help trace what builder.compiler() and builder.compiler_for() does. They should be removed if #96176 is resolved.

Using tracing in bootstrap

Both tracing::* macros and the tracing::instrument proc-macro attribute need to be gated behind tracing feature. Examples:

#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
use tracing::instrument;

struct Foo;

impl Step for Foo {
    type Output = ();

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", instrument(level = "trace", name = "Foo::should_run", skip_all))]
    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
        trace!(?run, "entered Foo::should_run");


        feature = "tracing",
            level = "trace",
            name = "Foo::run",
            fields(compiler = ?builder.compiler),
    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Self::Output {
        trace!(?run, "entered Foo::run");


For #[instrument], it's recommended to:

  • Gate it behind trace level for fine-granularity, possibly debug level for core functions.
  • Explicitly pick an instrumentation name via name = ".." to distinguish between e.g. run of different steps.
  • Take care to not cause diverging behavior via tracing, e.g. building extra things only when tracing infra is enabled.

Profiling bootstrap

You can use the COMMAND tracing target to trace execution of most commands spawned by bootstrap. If you also use the BOOTSTRAP_PROFILE=1 environment variable, bootstrap will generate a Chrome JSON trace file, which can be visualized in Chrome's chrome://tracing page or on


rust-analyzer integration?

Unfortunately, because bootstrap is a rust-analyzer.linkedProjects, you can't ask r-a to check/build bootstrap itself with tracing feature enabled to get relevant completions, due to lack of support as described in