Integration testing

Rust tests integration with real-world code to catch regressions and make informed decisions about the evolution of the language.

Testing methods


Crater is a tool which runs tests on many thousands of public projects. This tool has its own separate infrastructure for running, and is not run as part of CI. See the Crater chapter for more details.

Cargo test

cargotest is a small tool which runs cargo test on a few sample projects (such as servo, ripgrep, tokei, etc.). This runs as part of CI and ensures there aren't any significant regressions.

Example: ./x test src/tools/cargotest

Integration builders

Integration jobs build large open-source Rust projects that are used as regression tests in CI. Our integration jobs build the following projects:

A note about terminology

The term "integration testing" can be used to mean many things. Many of the compiletest tests within the Rust repo could be justifiably called integration tests, because they test the integration of many parts of the compiler, or test the integration of the compiler with other external tools. Calling all of them integration tests would not be very helpful, especially since those kinds of tests already have their own specialized names.

We use the term "integration" here to mean integrating the Rust compiler and toolchain with the ecosystem of Rust projects that depend on it. This is partly for lack of a better term, but it also reflects a difference in testing approach from other projects and the comparative advantage it implies.

The Rust compiler is part of the ecosystem, and the ecosystem is in many cases part of Rust, both in terms of libraries it uses and in terms of the efforts of many contributors who come to "scratch their own itch". Finally, because Rust has the ability to do integration testing at such a broad scale, it shortens development cycles by finding defects earlier.