The MIR (Mid-level IR)

MIR is Rust's Mid-level Intermediate Representation. It is constructed from HIR. MIR was introduced in RFC 1211. It is a radically simplified form of Rust that is used for certain flow-sensitive safety checks – notably the borrow checker! – and also for optimization and code generation.

If you'd like a very high-level introduction to MIR, as well as some of the compiler concepts that it relies on (such as control-flow graphs and desugaring), you may enjoy the rust-lang blog post that introduced MIR.

Introduction to MIR

MIR is defined in the compiler/rustc_middle/src/mir/ module, but much of the code that manipulates it is found in compiler/rustc_mir_build, compiler/rustc_mir_transform, and compiler/rustc_mir_dataflow.

Some of the key characteristics of MIR are:

  • It is based on a control-flow graph.
  • It does not have nested expressions.
  • All types in MIR are fully explicit.

Key MIR vocabulary

This section introduces the key concepts of MIR, summarized here:

  • Basic blocks: units of the control-flow graph, consisting of:
    • statements: actions with one successor
    • terminators: actions with potentially multiple successors; always at the end of a block
    • (if you're not familiar with the term basic block, see the background chapter)
  • Locals: Memory locations allocated on the stack (conceptually, at least), such as function arguments, local variables, and temporaries. These are identified by an index, written with a leading underscore, like _1. There is also a special "local" (_0) allocated to store the return value.
  • Places: expressions that identify a location in memory, like _1 or _1.f.
  • Rvalues: expressions that produce a value. The "R" stands for the fact that these are the "right-hand side" of an assignment.
    • Operands: the arguments to an rvalue, which can either be a constant (like 22) or a place (like _1).

You can get a feeling for how MIR is constructed by translating simple programs into MIR and reading the pretty printed output. In fact, the playground makes this easy, since it supplies a MIR button that will show you the MIR for your program. Try putting this program into play (or clicking on this link), and then clicking the "MIR" button on the top:

fn main() {
    let mut vec = Vec::new();

You should see something like:

// WARNING: This output format is intended for human consumers only
// and is subject to change without notice. Knock yourself out.
fn main() -> () {

This is the MIR format for the main function. MIR shown by above link is optimized. Some statements like StorageLive are removed in optimization. This happens because the compiler notices the value is never accessed in the code. We can use rustc [filename].rs -Z mir-opt-level=0 --emit mir to view unoptimized MIR. This requires the nightly toolchain.

Variable declarations. If we drill in a bit, we'll see it begins with a bunch of variable declarations. They look like this:

let mut _0: ();                      // return place
let mut _1: std::vec::Vec<i32>;      // in scope 0 at src/ 2:16
let mut _2: ();
let mut _3: &mut std::vec::Vec<i32>;
let mut _4: ();
let mut _5: &mut std::vec::Vec<i32>;

You can see that variables in MIR don't have names, they have indices, like _0 or _1. We also intermingle the user's variables (e.g., _1) with temporary values (e.g., _2 or _3). You can tell apart user-defined variables because they have debuginfo associated to them (see below).

User variable debuginfo. Below the variable declarations, we find the only hint that _1 represents a user variable:

scope 1 {
    debug vec => _1;                 // in scope 1 at src/ 2:16

Each debug <Name> => <Place>; annotation describes a named user variable, and where (i.e. the place) a debugger can find the data of that variable. Here the mapping is trivial, but optimizations may complicate the place, or lead to multiple user variables sharing the same place. Additionally, closure captures are described using the same system, and so they're complicated even without optimizations, e.g.: debug x => (*((*_1).0: &T));.

The "scope" blocks (e.g., scope 1 { .. }) describe the lexical structure of the source program (which names were in scope when), so any part of the program annotated with // in scope 0 would be missing vec, if you were stepping through the code in a debugger, for example.

Basic blocks. Reading further, we see our first basic block (naturally it may look slightly different when you view it, and I am ignoring some of the comments):

bb0: {
    _1 = const <std::vec::Vec<T>>::new() -> bb2;

A basic block is defined by a series of statements and a final terminator. In this case, there is one statement:


This statement indicates that the variable _1 is "live", meaning that it may be used later – this will persist until we encounter a StorageDead(_1) statement, which indicates that the variable _1 is done being used. These "storage statements" are used by LLVM to allocate stack space.

The terminator of the block bb0 is the call to Vec::new:

_1 = const <std::vec::Vec<T>>::new() -> bb2;

Terminators are different from statements because they can have more than one successor – that is, control may flow to different places. Function calls like the call to Vec::new are always terminators because of the possibility of unwinding, although in the case of Vec::new we are able to see that indeed unwinding is not possible, and hence we list only one successor block, bb2.

If we look ahead to bb2, we will see it looks like this:

bb2: {
    _3 = &mut _1;
    _2 = const <std::vec::Vec<T>>::push(move _3, const 1i32) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb4];

Here there are two statements: another StorageLive, introducing the _3 temporary, and then an assignment:

_3 = &mut _1;

Assignments in general have the form:

<Place> = <Rvalue>

A place is an expression like _3, _3.f or *_3 – it denotes a location in memory. An Rvalue is an expression that creates a value: in this case, the rvalue is a mutable borrow expression, which looks like &mut <Place>. So we can kind of define a grammar for rvalues like so:

<Rvalue>  = & (mut)? <Place>
          | <Operand> + <Operand>
          | <Operand> - <Operand>
          | ...

<Operand> = Constant
          | copy Place
          | move Place

As you can see from this grammar, rvalues cannot be nested – they can only reference places and constants. Moreover, when you use a place, we indicate whether we are copying it (which requires that the place have a type T where T: Copy) or moving it (which works for a place of any type). So, for example, if we had the expression x = a + b + c in Rust, that would get compiled to two statements and a temporary:

TMP1 = a + b
x = TMP1 + c

(Try it and see, though you may want to do release mode to skip over the overflow checks.)

MIR data types

The MIR data types are defined in the compiler/rustc_middle/src/mir/ module. Each of the key concepts mentioned in the previous section maps in a fairly straightforward way to a Rust type.

The main MIR data type is Body. It contains the data for a single function (along with sub-instances of Mir for "promoted constants", but you can read about those below).

  • Basic blocks: The basic blocks are stored in the field Body::basic_blocks; this is a vector of BasicBlockData structures. Nobody ever references a basic block directly: instead, we pass around BasicBlock values, which are newtype'd indices into this vector.
  • Statements are represented by the type Statement.
  • Terminators are represented by the Terminator.
  • Locals are represented by a newtype'd index type Local. The data for a local variable is found in the Body::local_decls vector. There is also a special constant RETURN_PLACE identifying the special "local" representing the return value.
  • Places are identified by the struct Place. There are a few fields:
    • Local variables like _1
    • Projections, which are fields or other things that "project out" from a base place. These are represented by the newtype'd type ProjectionElem. So e.g. the place _1.f is a projection, with f being the "projection element" and _1 being the base path. *_1 is also a projection, with the * being represented by the ProjectionElem::Deref element.
  • Rvalues are represented by the enum Rvalue.
  • Operands are represented by the enum Operand.

Representing constants

When code has reached the MIR stage, constants can generally come in two forms: MIR constants (mir::Constant) and type system constants (ty::Const). MIR constants are used as operands: in x + CONST, CONST is a MIR constant; similarly, in x + 2, 2 is a MIR constant. Type system constants are used in the type system, in particular for array lengths but also for const generics.

Generally, both kinds of constants can be "unevaluated" or "already evaluated". An unevaluated constant simply stores the DefId of what needs to be evaluated to compute this result. An evaluated constant (a "value") has already been computed; their representation differs between type system constants and MIR constants: MIR constants evaluate to a mir::ConstValue; type system constants evaluate to a ty::ValTree.

Type system constants have some more variants to support const generics: they can refer to local const generic parameters, and they are subject to inference. Furthermore, the mir::Constant::Ty variant lets us use an arbitrary type system constant as a MIR constant; this happens whenever a const generic parameter is used as an operand.

MIR constant values

In general, a MIR constant value (mir::ConstValue) was computed by evaluating some constant the user wrote. This const evaluation produces a very low-level representation of the result in terms of individual bytes. We call this an "indirect" constant (mir::ConstValue::Indirect) since the value is stored in-memory.

However, storing everything in-memory would be awfully inefficient. Hence there are some other variants in mir::ConstValue that can represent certain simple and common values more efficiently. In particular, everything that can be directly written as a literal in Rust (integers, floats, chars, bools, but also "string literals" and b"byte string literals") has an optimized variant that avoids the full overhead of the in-memory representation.


An evaluated type system constant is a "valtree". The ty::ValTree datastructure allows us to represent

  • arrays,
  • many structs,
  • tuples,
  • enums and,
  • most primitives.

The most important rule for this representation is that every value must be uniquely represented. In other words: a specific value must only be representable in one specific way. For example: there is only one way to represent an array of two integers as a ValTree: Branch([Leaf(first_int), Leaf(second_int)]). Even though theoretically a [u32; 2] could be encoded in a u64 and thus just be a Leaf(bits_of_two_u32), that is not a legal construction of ValTree (and is very complex to do, so it is unlikely anyone is tempted to do so).

These rules also mean that some values are not representable. There can be no unions in type level constants, as it is not clear how they should be represented, because their active variant is unknown. Similarly there is no way to represent raw pointers, as addresses are unknown at compile-time and thus we cannot make any assumptions about them. References on the other hand can be represented, as equality for references is defined as equality on their value, so we ignore their address and just look at the backing value. We must make sure that the pointer values of the references are not observable at compile time. We thus encode &42 exactly like 42. Any conversion from valtree back to a MIR constant value must reintroduce an actual indirection. At codegen time the addresses may be deduplicated between multiple uses or not, entirely depending on arbitrary optimization choices.

As a consequence, all decoding of ValTree must happen by matching on the type first and making decisions depending on that. The value itself gives no useful information without the type that belongs to it.

See the const-eval WG's docs on promotion.